BCI Athletics

Check below for updates and schedules for our current ExtraCurricular Teams!

Volleyball Programs

Middle Years - Grade 7/8 - Ms. Bowley/Mr.Kirk

Grade 5/6 - Ms.Fouillard

JV Girls - Ms.Stonehouse and Ms.Lee

JV Boys - Ms.Stonehouse

Varsity Girls - Ms.Stonehouse

**Special shout out to Cailin Robinson from Brandon University for our Volleyball Clinic at the start of Septmeber!**


2024/25 Basketball Program: 

Middle Years Teams - Coach(s) TBD

JV/Varsity Boys Team - Coach: Mr.Madsen

JV/Varsity Girls Team - Coach: Ms.Lee


Badminton will be firing up again this Spring 2025 with Middle Years to Varisty players. Stay tuned for updates. 

Ski Club

Ski Club has started again for our Grade 7 to 12 students. Ski Club will be held every Wednesday from February till March  2025.